Positive Thinking to Create Peace

Over the years, there have been many people who have told us about the power of our thoughts. I believe the most common line is "What we think, we become."

And it is true - our thoughts, particularly the ones we focus on the most, become our reality. When we focus on NOT having something, we continue to NOT have the things we want. But by shifting our thoughts to the things we actually want, we can focus on them to manifest the change we are actually seeking.

The perfect example is fat. Often, we think to ourselves "If I wasn't so fat..." or "I wish I wasn't fat..." The key word here is "FAT" - we are focusing on what we don't want. Instead, we need to change our internal thoughts to something more positive, such as "I wish I was of a healthy weight" or "I want to be lean, trim and fit".

While this is just a small, simple example, it is the beginning of something much bigger. Once you can adjust your internal attitude about yourself, you can start changing your thinking about a variety of things around you.

My favorite practice exercise from The Secret was to focus on green lights. Before you leave the house, tell yourself that you will catch only green lights, and your route will be clear and easy to travel. Focus on that thought for a minute or so before you leave, while sitting in the car perhaps. Then keep that positive attitude while you are driving. Do this every day for a week and see if your route to work changes at all. It most likely will.

What am I getting at with all of this? Simple - master the art of positive thinking for yourself, then you can focus on the world around you. Instead of wishing for the end of war and suffering, we need to focus our wishes on peace, harmony and happiness for all life.

The problem is that the peace symbol we've been using for years was drawn with underlying negativity. When Gerald Holtom created it, he was imagining a man in despair, hanging his head and drooping his arms down and out. A truly sad image. And yet, this is the image we use for peace...

How can we achieve peace with such a sad thought? It is this reason that we have flipped our peace sign around, to be a much more positive symbol. Now, the lines and "arms" are pointed upward, in a stance of strength and power, of peace and happiness. It is this 'new' peace sign that will bring the positive results we seek. Will you join us?

Someone noticed...

Not too long ago, I came across an article on Cracked.com titled "6 Famous Symbols That Don't Mean What You Think". And while some folks can't handle the style of writing over at Cracked, they often have very valid and true points buried in the sarcasm.

Take this article, for example. #4 on the list of 6 symbols is the Peace Sign. It presents accurate information about it's conception and history. The humorous commentary, however, might be deemed slightly distasteful by some.

The other symbols included on the list also have correct historical information included, but again, might not be your choice of wording.

Either way, I wanted to share the article with you guys, because someone actually paid attention to the fact that the original creator of the peace sign didn't like the drawing that caught on, and actually wanted it flipped from the beginning. Depending on how many grains of salt you take with your Cracked.com articles, you might be able to contest that they are trying to change the symbol as well....

With that being said, I say "Continue to spread the message!" - you never know who will notice next....

Declare World Peace

So there is this site I've stumbled upon a few times in the past, bookmarked, and followed on Facebook and Google+. It is called "I Declare World Peace" and they really are an awesome, unbiased, neutral resource.

On their site, they have a "Wall of Support" that links to other sites and blogs that support this message (not all sites are about peace, but that is the general idea). I've recently connected with them and added our blog to their Wall. I want the world to know that Turn Peace Around is a positive movement, not about making the peace sign into something negative or twisted. Also, it might gain us a little extra exposure in the process, which can't hurt, right?

Anyhow, if you are so compelled, I ask that you check out the site, like their Facebook page, follow them on Google+, and add a link to them from your own blog. What harm could come from that?

Peace and Blessings,

Newest additions

Please welcome Carolyn (owner of Grandmother's House and Everything Else) to the collective shop!

We finally got some of her embroidered towels listed, for all to enjoy and oogle. Stop in and take a look!

These towels are also on display at her local Farmer's Market, spreading the message one shopper at a time.

We're on Pinterest!

One of our fans and shop contributors decided to spread the message of Turn Peace Around through one of the fastest-growing websites out there - Pinterest.

Norma, of Texas Eagle Gallery, put together a Turn Peace Around pinboard, including items from our collective shop as well as other items found on Zibbet matching our theme. Check it out!

Click the image above to be whisked away to the board, where you can spread the message by re-pinning your favorite pieces! Don't forget to follow the board as well, so you can see all the new goodies as they are added.

I'm sorry

You may not have noticed, but it's been kinda quiet around here. Instead of going into a long explanation, I've written a post on my personal blog that I want to share with you here.

So very behind...

I'm hoping to find something to post for you next week, and try to keep with posting at the very least weekly.

My email is always open, if you ever need to contact me. sunfire@breathofthedragon.com

Zibbet Exhibit

Some of you may have seen the new Zibbet Exhibits that are floating around the blogosphere lately... It is something I (Sunfire) started earlier this year, in an attempt to bring more attention to Zibbet as a whole as well as to encourage my fellow Zibbet sellers to keep seeking new ways to reach more potential customers. It has been well received by everyone that I've included. And a few other bloggers have picked it up as well.

Now that more handmade items are appearing on Zibbet in the Turn Peace Around theme, I thought I'd do a little Exhibit here, to show you just was sorts of amazing items are already out there featuring the positive peace sign. Take a look, enjoy, be inspired! Then share with your friends!

Wooden magnet by Breath of the Dragon on Zibbet
Pyrographed Wooden Magnet
by Breath of the Dragon
Red Key Strap by POP Embroidery on Zibbet
Red Key Strap
by POP Embroidery
OOAK Upcycled Wall Hanging by Texas Eagle Gallery on Zibbet
OOAK Upcycled Wall Hanging
by Texas Eagle Gallery
Embroidered Towels by Everything Else on Zibbet
Embroidered Towels
by Everything Else
Chunky Hemp Necklace by Sunfire on Zibbet
Chunky Hemp Necklace
by Sunfire, Breath of the Dragon
Large pinback button by Portable Graffiti on Zibbet
Large pinback button
by Portable Graffiti
OOAK Tape Measure by All About The Buttons on Zibbet
OOAK Tape Measure
by All About The Buttons
Hand-painted tote bag by Sunfire on Zibbet
Hand-painted tote bag
by Sunfire, Breath of the Dragon

Links, links and more links

WARNING: This post is full of links. But I promise, every single one is relevant.

Just a little note to let you know that I'm working on updating our information wherever we are. So far, the profile on the Zibbet shop signifies that we are a collective, and the FB Page and FB group are updated as well. The Google+ page was tweaked today as well.

If you see anything for Turn Peace Around online, and it does not depict us as a collective shop, or does not link back to the main shop, blog or Facebook page, PLEASE let me know so I can fix it.

newest addition to the shop
In other news, we have 2 more people joining the Collective this week - Norma, of Texas Eagle Gallery, shared this one-of-a-kind upcycled wall hanging with us. And Judy, the mastermind behind Portable Graffiti, Portable Graffiti Graphics, Wild Goose Chase and Proofreader, submitted a listing for custom buttons (which I haven't listed quite yet, but soon).

Remember, you don't have to be a Zibbet seller to be part of the Collective - artists from any selling venue are welcomed. Your main shop, no matter its location, will be linked in the Profile and Policies sections of the Zibbet shop.

I think that's enough linkage for now, eh?

The items are coming in...

Just a little post this week to let you know that the collective shop will be in full effect very soon. I already have 4 items in my Inbox, waiting for me to list them. And, if I'm not mistaken, there is another one on it's way.

I'm getting very excited at the thought of having all sorts of handcrafted talent sharing the pro-peace message gathered in one shop! It's gonna be so cool!

Anyhow, I better stop blogging about it and get to work on making it a reality, huh? LOL

Coming soon - a collective shop

Behind the scenes, we are making progress in the evolution of the Turn Peace Around movement and the Zibbet shop.

In case you didn't know, the Zibbet shop, as it currently stands, features items I (Sunfire) have created - hemp jewelry, painted tote bags and various woodburned items. But in the last few months, I've been thinking about expanding. Why limit this cause to the few things I know how to do? Why not invite other crafters to spread this message through their handiwork?

So I did.

I put out an open call to some of the folks I know on Zibbet and the people following the Facebook page, asking for interested people to hash out some details, about how to make the collective shop work for everyone. We've been working on it for a couple weeks now, and soon I will have something to list in the Zibbet shop that isn't my own! I'm so excited!

If you are a fellow crafter and want to get in on this, visit the Facebook group, request to join, then check out the Documents for information on how this will work. Would love to hear from you!

An article I wanted to share

Kerri introduced me to her site, Peace Rising, and I thought I was going to faint! You mean it's not a lost cause? You mean other people have reasons for flipping the peace sign, too? I was so excited! (Even more so when she ordered some things from the Zibbet shop!)

At the bottom of her Peace Rising page, Kerri shares some links to other folks that also believe in 'correcting' our current peace sign. One of those pages is a blog post at Lightworkers.org, entitled "The correct way to display the peace sign". It comes complete with pictures and more explanations of using the peace sign in a positive and powerful way. That blog post can be found here.

It's a short read that really has an impact. It certainly explains things in another way, things I might not have thought of, and ways of sharing the history of the peace sign that I never knew of. I suggest you take a couple minutes and check it out.

Please, if you ever see anyone anywhere flipping peace signs, let me know! I would love to have a huge collection of links to people that are turning peace around!

Show us your peace!

Haven't had much to share around here lately.... So I thought I would encourage all of you guys to share with the rest of us....

Show us your peace! Share a story (or better yet, a photo) of Turning Peace Around.

You can blog about it then share your blog link with us here, or just leave a little blurb in the comments section. We want to hear all about it!

Prove this isn't a lost cause.... ;)

Sunfire is turning peace around

This past weekend, Turn Peace Around got a little more exposure here in Wenatchee, WA. Sunfire, of Breath of the Dragon, put some Turn Peace Around items out in her display at the Wenatchee Valley Senior Activity Center craft show on Saturday, 14 April 2012. While there weren't many shoppers out and about, a couple business cards did in fact go home with some people. Curiosity is just the beginning, after all.

Here you can see the painted tote bags hanging up next to the crocheted water bottle holders and some wood burnings:

And here, you can (kinda) see a couple magnets on the board, the small round plaque on an easel (with the postcards below it), as well as some necklaces on the table:

I was very worried about putting these out there in the public eye, as I wasn't sure they'd be well received... But since there weren't many shoppers to begin with, there wasn't really that much to worry about....

Now that this show is over, however, I can focus on other ways to spread the message.... Like opening the Zibbet shop to all crafters. More details on this soon. If you'd like to be involved, feel free to join our group on Facebook - Turn Peace Around.

Carolyn is turning peace around

I've decided that a good way to get more people involved in spreading the message of Turn Peace Around, is to show you how easy it can be. This is second post in the "Look Who's Turning Peace Around" series (which you can find always linked on the right side of the blog), featuring fellow believers and how they are doing their part to tell others about this amazing idea.

Carolyn, of Grandmother's House and Everything Else

Carolyn, better known as Grandma C in the Zibbet circles, runs Grandmother's House, which caters to the kids in everyone's life, as well as her new extension, Everything Else, where she features other items for the home, adults and pets. She is a fantastic and positive person, and does a lot in supporting other Zibbeters. I was tickled pink when she told me Turn Peace Around had inspired her.

I believe the first she really heard about Turn Peace Around was in my interview as the Featured Zibbeter in March 2012. The interview was mostly about me and my woodworking, but when given the opportunity to talk about other things, I simply had to bring up my passion for spreading the Turn Peace Around message. And that message must have resounded with Carolyn, because she contact me later that week to ask if the symbol/design was copyrighted (which it is not).

A few weeks later, I received a message from her through the Everything Else Zibbet shop, sharing with me this new item she has created featuring the Turn Peace Around design. Isn't it lovely? The dark colors of the towel certainly make the designs 'pop' and grab your attention! I bet if you used one of these as a gym towel, you'd certainly get a chance to talk about the message behind this flipped peace sign...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Are you turning peace around in some way? Tell me all about it, send some pictures my way, and I'll gladly share it with the world here on the blog. You can contact me anytime at turnpeacearound@gmail.com, just mention the blog in your subject line so I know it's not spam. Thanks.

Unique shop

Okay folks, now that I am starting to see real interest in this movement, I've decided that I had to move the items I currently have for sale out of my main shop (at Breath of the Dragon) and back into a shop dedicated solely to Turn Peace Around items.

I know, I know, it's a little flaky of me, to be there, then move in with someone else, then move back out on our own... But I feel now is the time to do this, as our following is growing and the message soon will be able to stand on its own.

Not to mention, it is much easier to share web addresses that include "turnpeacearound" in them.

So, as of today, all handcrafted items I have created with Turn Peace Around on them are listed for sale exclusively at http://www.zibbet.com/turnpeacearound I still need to make a banner for it, but that won't be too hard...

I'm also in talks with a few other crafters about spreading the message through their local Farmer's Market. Still working out some of the details....

That's all for now. More updates next week!

Portable Graffiti is turning peace around

I've decided that a good way to get more people involved in spreading the message of Turn Peace Around, is to show you how easy it can be. This is my first post in the "Look Who's Turning Peace Around" series, featuring fellow believers and how they are doing their part to tell others about this amazing idea.

Judy, of Portable Graffiti

Judy is one talented, and often quite busy, person whom I met through Zibbet. She started Portable Graffiti back in the late 70s, making and selling hand-pressed pinback buttons. Her talents have grown and changed over the years, to include proof-reading and graphic design, but she still makes buttons in a variety of sizes and styles.

I spoke with her about making a button for me to 'wear' on my purse and showcase my message, I gave her my simple design, and she created this wonderfully huge button for me (it's a whopping 4" across!). I was thoroughly impressed with the quality of the button and the clarity of the design. I proudly wear it on my purse (as pictured), and get a few comments here and there about it. This large button certainly helps start the conversation about Turn Peace Around, that's for sure.

After I showed Judy how the button looks on my bag, she agreed to create a listing in her own Zibbet shop for this button (in any size), and linking back to Turn Peace Around. Now you, too, can get a simple pinback button to spread the message of Turn Peace Around, while supporting a small-business owner and crafter.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I have one more feature to write up next week, but after that I'm all out.
Are you turning peace around in some way? Tell me all about it, send some pictures my way, and I'll gladly share it with the world here on the blog. You can contact me anytime at turnpeacearound@gmail.com, just mention the blog in your subject line so I know it's not spam. Thanks.

Stand(ing) alone?

Okay, so no inspirational quote this week, and no post about my products. This week, I'm seriously looking for some input, from the people that like and follow Turn Peace Around.

First off, why do you like us? Is this a cause you honestly believe in and act upon?

Secondly, I'd like to know if you think this cause needs to stand alone, or if it is better connected with my other business? I originally combined them for ease on my part, but every day, I wonder if it'd be better separated...

In case you didn't know, I've been doing a lot of thinking this week, and apparently I don't have the answers to my own questions, so I'm asking everyone else for their input. Because honestly, if there isn't interest and support for what I do, I may need to stop doing it.... It's hard for me to admit that, but it's true.

So, help me out here.... What do you think of what I've already done for Turn Peace Around? What else would you like to see done? Are you willing to support and/or work with me to make this a success, or am I in this quest alone?

As an incentive, all constructive criticism will get a surprise deal coupon code to use on TPA items only. If you don't feel comfortable sharing here on the blog (or on FB or G+), simply send an email to sunfire@breathofthedragon.com with the subject line "suggestions for TPA" so I don't delete it.

Thanks for your help! Remember, I'm doing this for YOU, not just me.....

Sustainability for Peace

Something that has been on my mind lately, in one way or another, is sustainability. This is one's ability to continue living without modern luxuries (like power, oil, etc). Sustainability is based on learning to live with the natural world around them. Think homesteaders, survivalists, preppers and the like.

The reason I bring it up here is because I honestly believe that the way we live our life, and the way we treat our environment, is directly related to our inner peace. When you live a life that is rushed by meetings, presentations and deadlines, you don't have the time to connect with the Earth. This certainly hinders your level of peace....

But you don't have to be stuck in that life of concrete and artificial light. If you take some steps to live more sustainably, I bet your levels of stress would decline, and conversely increase your inner peace.

Wood Nymph, by Josephine Wall
Some simple things you can do, no matter where you are:

-- Garden. Plant something and nurture it. Living in the city? Try a window box with herbs. Even just a houseplant or two. If you have the space, spread out and grow something edible. Find out which vegetables and/or fruits are easy to grow in your climate, and start growing some of your own food.

-- If you can't garden at all, at least try eating more local foods. Search out the Farmer's Market near you, and support your local economy by buying foods in season from your nearby farmers and producers.

-- Walk or ride more. Get out and use those muscles! The less you depend on gas-powered vehicles now, the easier it will be to transition when the oil runs out. Not to mention the reduced impact on the planet you'll have. And the fresh air will do you good.

-- Stop buying processed foods and start making more food from scratch at home. Get involved in the creation of your meals, teach your children where the food comes from, and stop wasting all that packing material.

-- Reduce your waste - recycle, buy used or clearance/markdown, give away items you don't need but still have life in them, buy in bulk (if you have a way to store it without it going bad), only purchase what you need when you are ready to use it, etc.

-- Make connections in your community. Learn to barter ("I'll give you my empty egg cartons in return for a dozen eggs from your chickens"). Work together to create something everyone can use.

PostSecret postcard
All of these things will bring you closer to the Earth, as well as those around you. And in the process, you will reduce stress (both mental and monetary), which will ultimately create a sense of peace that will permeate your whole life.

And remember, creating inner peace is the first step to creating world peace.

Are you living sustainably, even in a small way? What do you do? Has it created peace in your life somehow? Please, share with us!

Hemp Jewelry

After creating the hand-painted tote bags sporting the flipped peace sign, I wanted to try something else..... Why not jewelry? That's something people can wear, carrying this new peace symbol with them everywhere they go.

First, I had to find some peace sign charms that were not forced to hang a certain way. A lot of the charms I found had a single loop at the "top". Thicker clay charms and beads had pre-drilled hole(s), which forced them to hang in the traditional way. So I asked the folks on Etsy for some help.

I ended up having a couple different clay artists creating peace signs for me with no holes or loop to string from. I also found some silver peace signs that had no loop on top. Lastly, I created a few wooden charms with the peace sign burned onto them.

Then I picked up some hemp. Took me about a month or so to get the hang of basic macrame tying of hemp and creating jewelry. I work with both smaller hemp twine, as well as the larger chunky-weight stuff. The part I still have trouble with is knowing what length to cut the hemp before I start working with it. hence the reason I have ended up with bracelets instead of chokers.... *sheepish grin*

Check out what hemp jewelry I still have for sale in the shop. Have a special request? Just ask! I will do what I can to make something extra special, something you can excited about sharing with others.

Peace and Health

Health and Peace are intimately connected - you cannot have one without the other.

I was gonna keep writing, but I want that to sink in first....

You can't have Peace without Health.
You can't have Health without Peace.

War (the lack of Peace) is therefore connected to Disease (lack of Health). Maybe not in the same intimate relationship, but pretty close.

We're talking big-scale here, not just internally or in our immediate community. This is the kind of stuff we see on the news.... War-torn countries with people dying daily, not only from gunfire, but also from the spread of illness, lack of food and water, and the inability to get the help they need.

Bringing medicine to those in need may not be the answer to the war, but it will certainly give the innocent civilians a chance to survive....

But what about when the war is over? Will the traumas of the recent past haunt their memories and prevent them from being able to compromise or work together with their former enemies? How can we bring Peace to the people who hate us?

There's a lot to think about here, both from the global view as well as the personal view. Are you at peace when you are sick? Not me. When you are at peace, do you feel healthy and strong? Almost always!

That's enough from me. What are your thoughts on this?

Being Peace

"If there is to be any peace it will come through being, not having."
Henry Miller

This simple quote says a lot in just a few words. It reiterates a message that has lasted for many decades and generations....

Peace starts within, and it's not materialistic.

You can't expect someone else to create peace for you, it has to start within yourself. And peace is not about the things you have, but rather the way you live.

So, what are you doing to create peace in your own life? What positive changes are you taking to increase the level of peace around you?

It's a state of mind...

"Peace is not an absence of war;
it is a virtue, a state of mind,
a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice."

And this is why we need to create peace within our own self before we can expect it to move outward to the world around us.

I sit here, reading and re-reading these lines, trying to think of something to say in regards to it, but this quote really speaks for itself. He's clearly defined "peace" as something each individual has control over, as well as being something moral as well.

Turn Peace Around is also a state of mind - we see the power of the symbol and we spread that message by sharing the symbol and the idea with others around us. But we have to truly believe it ourselves before we can expect others to join with us.

So, what do you think?

Hand-painted Tote Bags

To balance out all these thought-provoking posts, I wanted to stop and share with you a little bit about our hand-painted tote bags.

In case you haven't seen them yet, we currently offer some hand-painted cotton tote bags, perfect for shopping or trips to the library.

These bags are made of a sturdy cotton material, in a natural color (not dyed), with durable handles and a 3" gusset.

On each bag, I've taken the time to get messy :) I have a stencil that I cut out, that is the peace sign. Holding it in place with one hand, I use a sponge or paintbrush to add color over and around the stencil. I try to pick out the colors beforehand, and have them ready alongside a cup of water, so I can quickly switch between colors as I paint. Because I only have one stencil, I have to paint only one bag at a time. But the stencil part is fairly quick - it's the lettering and extra decoration that takes longer.

I 'assembly line' these - first, painting the stenciled Peace sign; then, adding the words "Turn Peace Around" on the front of each bag. Finally, I add a little something extra to the back of the bag - a web address for more information. The first time I did them, I used the web address for the site that inspired this whole thing, www.turnpeacearound.org; The next batch features the URL for my Zibbet shop - www.zibbet.com/turnpeacearound; unfortunately, neither of these addresses are really accurate anymore. I'm not sure what address I will use on my next batch of bags - any suggestions?

These bags make a great conversation starter, so be sure to carry them around whenever you have errands to do. You never know who will be interested in this new take on a classic symbol. With every order, you get a handful of informational cards to hand out, so when people ask you about the design on your bag, you can hand them a card explaining it.

Pick up your bags here, only $9.95 each, plus $5 shipping in the US. Don't see a design you like? I will gladly do up a custom bag for you, just tell me what you'd like to see, or what colors I can combine for you. At this time, we don't offer international shipping, but if you are interested, don't let that stop you! Contact me for a quote on shipping prices to your country.

Peace within...

As I was wandering around Google+, watching the things that were posted about #peace, I came across this short post. A young woman visited Thailand on a meditation retreat, and came back changed. In the post, she shared her story about how she realized that peace starts inside and is spread upon others around her.

That, my friends, is the basis of peace. You can't just buy a box of Peace off the shelf in your local store. You might find some Peace on the side of the road while you are out for a walk one day. And you can be gifted a small amount of Peace from a friend... but in the end, it is up to YOU to keep that Peace growing and moving onward and outward.

Start by finding the peace within yourself, then focus on nurturing it. Once it has grown to a point where you can no longer contain it, you need to share it and let it spread.

When you are ready to spread the peace outward from yourself, consider picking something of the handcrafted variety, available for purchase on Zibbet. Don't see exactly what you want? That's okay! We encourage uniqueness and willingly accept custom requests - just ask and we will do our best to bring your idea to life.

Oh, and if you aren't following us on Google+ yet, you should be! Watch for shares and posts there that may not appear here.

Understanding and Respect

Here's another quote regarding peace that really made me stop and think...  

"It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the other fellow's viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and work out our differences. Harry S. Truman

If this is truly the case, then I fear we will never have world peace. It seems there is always someone (usually the US, dare I say it) who has to be pushy about their own beliefs and completely disregard the beliefs of others. It's not just the people we fight against, but also the people we try to help. When you try to understand a culture for what it is, you are showing disrespect to that culture and all of its people.

An example for your consideration.... I served in the US Navy for 5 years. 2 of the years I spent in Yokosuka, Japan. I loved it there! The scenery was gorgeous, the hustle and bustle of a tight-knit city was infectious, and I loved learning about the Japanese culture. However, being that I am an American, not all Japanese people were nice to me. They had a very valid stigma of American Sailors - loud and obnoxious. Most sailors from my base would go out into town to get drunk and be silly. They did not respect the culture of the Japanese people. And so the Japanese didn't like us. The further I got away from that town (similar to any Navy town in the US), the more friendly and receptive the locals were to me and my friends (the not-so-annoying ones). By understanding the culture and respecting the people and practices, we had many peaceful travels in that country.

I just wish this sort of mentality could expand... Think about how things could be different, even in our own country, if men were intelligent enough to respect their fellow man, and mature enough to sit down and "act like adults" to settle any given quarrel. There'd be fewer fights, fewer crimes, maybe even fewer people locked in prison. There'd be happier people and more pleasant communities. There may not be peace, but we'd be able to work things out so that everyone gets something positive...

What are your thoughts on this?

Ending war, creating peace...

 As I was perusing a site with a bunch of quotes related to peace, this one struck at me...
The late Martin Luther King, Jr.
"We must concentrate not merely on the negative expulsion of war but the positive affirmation of peace." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

This is exactly the message I am trying to spread here - the bad, the negative, the things we don't want are not the things we should be focusing on. We also need to put just as much energy into creating and implementing peace, the positive, exactly what we DO want.

He knew it back in the 50's and 60's, even before the 'peace sign' came into existence. I sure wish more people today could also see it this way...

Remember, it's not about ending war, it's about creating peace.